Brainspotting for Trauma + Addiction in Los Angeles

Process and Release the Past on a Somatic Level 

Go beyond talk therapy:
explore the subconscious work that your brain is waiting for you to break through

Do you:

  • have a hard time letting go of negative thoughts?

  • keep finding yourself overreacting or having a hard time managing your emotional responses? 

  • often shut down or avoid difficult conversations?

Maybe you can identify past traumas, but it’s challenging to make the connection between these events and your current behaviors and habits

Brainspotting is a direct path to access and name these core beliefs, so you can understand their origin and restructure them so that they actually serve you.

You’ll be able to better understand what triggers these behaviors so that they don’t hold the same charge as they once did anymore.

It’s like putting on a much-needed pair of prescription eyeglasses for the first time - you’re able to see the world from a more clear perspective. This allows you to free yourself from the emotional and mental burden you’ve been carrying around.

What core beliefs are holding you back?

Do you ever notice that your eyes go off to one spot when you’re processing an emotion? Maybe you’re by yourself, and a strong anxious thought comes up. Where do your eyes go at this moment?

Brainspotting is a way to access the mind-body connection with mental health therapy. It works by allowing the body - your eyes - to explore a location in space where an unprocessed memory, event, or core belief lives. 

Think of it as your brain mirroring your outside world. Where your eyes look outwardly corresponds to an area in your mind that stores the painful memory or belief.

Why Brainspotting?

Are you ready to make a change?

Brainspotting in Los Angeles
or online in California

Fill out the form or call (213) 427-8658 to set up your FREE 15-minute phone consultation.

Brainspotting works well for anyone who is suffering from mental health challenges caused by trauma. Many people who don’t feel better after talk therapy notice that the different nature of Brainspotting  helps them to better understand themselves and overcome depression, anxiety, and addiction. 

In this way, you can transform negative beliefs into positive ones and create a new framework for how you interact with yourself and the rest of the world. 

You may benefit from Brainspotting if you are experiencing:

• Chronic anxiety 

• Addiction

• Depression 


• Grief 

• Self Doubt 

• Negative Beliefs

What can Brainspotting treat?